Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 5

This is the last day we decided to go about 1/2 way home so we would have a short day the next. Well that never happens why stop riding when its still daylight out, then why stop when your that close to home. We ended up just riding home once we made it to New Mexico I think it was another 900+ mile day.

This was a great trip everything went real smooth so it kinda defeats the purpose of blogging. I finally decided to update with a few pics so we can look back and remember the time we had.
Riley AKA The Champ
and me Cheyenne the homeless looking guy

Jimmy and Riley had only ridden their KLR's to town 2 times (<50 miles) before their first day on this trip, they are accustomed to Harleys with cruise, radios and windshields. This was a definite change but riding 900 miles their first day on a KLR thats going all in for sure.

We only had 1 mechanical issue Riley had a hole in his radiator from the fan rubbing but nothing major.

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